SSS 2 FRENCH Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd & 3rd Term

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For those continuing their journey in French at the SSS 2 level, this scheme of work helps you build on your language skills. 

From grammar structures to conversational fluency, each term’s outline is crafted to enhance your understanding of the French language and culture. 

You also find specific topics broken down week by week, ensuring a balanced approach to learning. 

In addition, the recommended textbooks deepen your grasp of the language throughout the academic year.

SSS 2 FRENCH Scheme of Work

SSS 2 FRENCH First Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: La Révision/La Communication Orale

  • Review previous knowledge
  • Practice oral communication in French

Week 2: Le Passé Récent

  • Expressing a recently completed action (e.g., “Je viens de manger du riz.”)
  • Structure: Sujet + venir de + infinitif

Week 3: L’Imparfait

  • Expressing a repeated action or a state in the past
  • Use of expressions that indicate repetition (e.g., “Tous les jours,” “Quand j’étais petit”)
  • Writing: “Mon enfance” or “Quand j’étais petit…”
  • Contrast between passé composé and imparfait

Week 4: Simultanéité

  • Vocabulary and structures for expressing simultaneity (e.g., “Bola mange pendant qu’elle regarde la télé.”)
  • Discussing actions or states happening at the same time
  • Active and passive voice
  • Conjugation of verbs in the passive voice

Week 5: Discours Indirect (Rapporter des Conversations et des Ordres)

  • Vocabulary and structures for reporting speech and commands
  • Modifications in verb tenses when using reported speech
  • Changes in adverbial expressions (e.g., “Aujourd’hui” becomes “Ce jour-là”)

Week 6: Discours Indirect (Suite)

  • Practice reporting speech and commands
  • Group work on conversational exercises

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Antériorité

  • Vocabulary and structures to express actions that happened before others (e.g., “Avant de,” “Dès que,” “Après avoir + infinitif”)
  • Conjugation of verbs in the present, passé composé, and plus-que-parfait

Week 9: Antériorité (Suite)

  • Continued practice with expressing actions in anteriority
  • More advanced sentence structures

Week 10: La Rédaction

  • Writing exercises to apply learned grammatical structures

Week 11: Révision

Week 12: Examen

Week 13: Clôture

SSS 2 FRENCH Second Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: La Révision/La Communication Orale

  • Review of previous term’s topics
  • Practice oral communication

Week 2: Demander et Donner une Opinion

  • Asking for and giving opinions (e.g., “Qu’est-ce que tu en penses?”)
  • Engaging in debates and discussions
  • Phrases for agreeing and disagreeing politely

Week 3: Exprimer une Plainte

  • Vocabulary for expressing complaints (e.g., “Ça m’énerve,” “J’en ai assez.”)
  • Expressing boredom and irritation in French

Week 4: Rédaction d’une Lettre de Plainte

  • Writing an informal letter to express a complaint
  • Punctuation marks in written French

Week 5: Exprimer l’Hésitation, l’Inquiétude, et le Doute

  • Vocabulary for expressing hesitation, worry, and doubt (e.g., “Je ne suis pas sûr que…”)
  • Introduction to the subjunctive mood

Week 6: Exprimer la Peur et l’Inquiétude

  • Expressions for fear and worry (e.g., “J’ai peur,” “Je m’inquiète”)
  • Introduction to the futur simple tense

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Exprimer la Confiance

  • Vocabulary for expressing trust (e.g., “J’ai confiance en…”)
  • Grammar: Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Week 9: Grammaire et Pronoms

  • Grammar: Direct and indirect object pronouns
  • Vocabulary for expressing reliability and trustworthiness

Week 10: La Rédaction

  • Writing exercises using adjectives and adverbs

Week 11: Révision

Week 12: Examen

Week 13: Clôture

SSS 2 FRENCH Third Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: La Révision/La Communication Orale

  • Review of previous term’s topics
  • Practice oral communication

Week 2: Exprimer l’Appreciation

  • Phrases for positive appreciation (e.g., “C’est fascinant,” “C’est super.”)
  • Phrases for negative appreciation (e.g., “C’est horrible.”)
  • Writing a thank-you letter

Week 3: Exprimer la Déception

  • Vocabulary for expressing disappointment (e.g., “Je suis déçu.”)
  • Grammar: Possessive and interrogative pronouns

Week 4: Rédaction d’une Lettre Informelle

  • Writing an informal letter using present tense verbs

Week 5: Exprimer des Souhaits de Carrière

  • Writing: “Le métier que j’aimerais faire”

Week 6: La Rédaction

  • Writing exercises with a focus on career aspirations

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Les Moyens de Transport

  • Vocabulary related to transportation
  • Grammar: Pronouns y, en, and direct object pronouns

Week 9: Exprimer une Opinion

  • Vocabulary for expressing opinions (e.g., “Je dirais que…”)
  • Writing: “Mon professeur préféré”

Week 10: La Révision

Week 11: Examen

Week 12: Clôture

SSS 2 FRENCH Recommended Textbook

  1. Le Français Progressif pour les Lycéens by Alain Pelletier.
  2. Grammaire Française pour Débutants et Intermédiaires by Hachette Éducation.


In SSS 2, the French scheme of work introduces you to essential grammar, conversation, and vocabulary-building exercises. 

Each term and week is designed to enhance both spoken and written French, with cultural immersion through topics on Francophone countries. 

The term-by-term breakdown ensures consistent progress and fluency in the language. 

Textbooks recommended in the curriculum offer additional practice in mastering the language.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us.

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