SSS 2 BIOLOGY Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd & 3rd Term

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Biology in SSS 2 focuses on life processes, ecosystems, and the anatomy of organisms. 

This article outlines the scheme of work for the subject, covering topics like the respiratory system, reproduction in plants and animals, and ecological management. 

Each term is organized to provide a comprehensive understanding of biological systems and their functions. 

You also find a list of recommended textbooks to support further exploration of these topics.

SSS 2 BIOLOGY Scheme of Work

SSS 2 BIOLOGY First Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Aquatic Habitat (Marine Habitat)

  • Definition and types of aquatic habitats
  • Characteristics of marine habitat
  • Distribution of organisms in marine habitat
  • Adaptations of organisms to marine environment

Week 2: Forest Habitat / Terrestrial

  • Characteristics of terrestrial habitats
  • Types of terrestrial habitats (forest, savannah, desert, etc.)
  • Distribution of organisms in terrestrial habitats
  • Adaptations of organisms in terrestrial environments

Week 3: Digestive System

  • Overview of the digestive system in animals
  • Structure and function of the digestive organs
  • Types of digestion (mechanical and chemical digestion)
  • Enzymes involved in digestion

Week 4: Feeding Habits

  • Types of feeding habits in animals (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores)
  • Feeding adaptations in different organisms
  • Trophic levels in the food chain

Week 5: Transport System in Animals

  • Definition of transport system
  • Types of transport systems in animals (open and closed circulatory systems)
  • Blood vessels and their functions (arteries, veins, capillaries)

Week 6: Circulatory System in Man

  • Structure of the human circulatory system
  • Function of the heart
  • Blood circulation (pulmonary and systemic circulation)
  • Components of blood and their functions

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Transport in Plants

  • Concept of transport in plants
  • Structure of xylem and phloem
  • Transpiration and factors affecting it

Week 9: Transport in Plants Continued

  • Mechanism of water movement in plants (osmosis, diffusion, active transport)
  • Uptake of minerals in plants
  • Translocation of food in phloem

Week 10: Respiratory System

  • Definition of respiration
  • Types of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic)
  • Structure and function of the respiratory system in humans
  • Gas exchange in lungs

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Week 13: Closing

SSS 2 BIOLOGY Second Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Respiration (Continued)

  • Process of respiration
  • Energy production in cells (ATP)
  • Role of mitochondria in respiration

Week 2: Excretory Systems

  • Definition and importance of excretion
  • Organs involved in excretion in humans (kidneys, skin, lungs)
  • Excretory products in animals and their significance

Week 3: Nutrient Cycling in Nature

  • Definition of nutrient cycling
  • Importance of nutrient cycling in ecosystems
  • Key elements involved in nutrient cycles (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus)

Week 4: Nitrogen Cycle

  • Processes involved in the nitrogen cycle (nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification)
  • Role of microorganisms in nitrogen cycling
  • Importance of the nitrogen cycle in ecosystems

Week 5: Ecological Management

  • Definition of ecological management
  • Sustainable management of ecosystems
  • Techniques used in ecological management (conservation, restoration)

Week 6: Pollution of the Atmosphere

  • Types of air pollution (industrial, vehicular, etc.)
  • Sources and effects of pollutants on the environment
  • Control measures for reducing air pollution

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Conservation of Natural Resources

  • Definition and importance of conservation
  • Types of natural resources (renewable and non-renewable)
  • Strategies for conserving natural resources

Week 9: Reproduction in Unicellular Organisms and Invertebrates

  • Asexual and sexual reproduction in unicellular organisms
  • Modes of reproduction in invertebrates (e.g., budding, fission, regeneration)

Week 10: Reproductive Systems in Vertebrates

  • Overview of vertebrate reproductive systems
  • Structure and function of male and female reproductive organs
  • Fertilization and development of offspring

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Week 13: Closing

SSS 2 BIOLOGY Third Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Structures and Functions of the Reproductive Organs of Plants

  • Structure of flowers and reproductive organs
  • Function of reproductive organs in plants
  • Fertilization and seed development in plants

Week 2: Pollination in Plants

  • Definition and importance of pollination
  • Self-pollination vs. cross-pollination
  • Mechanisms of pollination in plants

Week 3: Agents of Pollination

  • Different agents of pollination (wind, water, insects, animals)
  • Role of each agent in pollination
  • Adaptations of plants to attract pollinators

Week 4: Homeostatic Organs

  • Definition of homeostasis
  • Homeostatic organs in humans (kidneys, liver, lungs, skin)
  • Mechanisms of maintaining internal balance in the body

Week 5: Plant Hormones

  • Definition of plant hormones
  • Types of plant hormones (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene)
  • Role of plant hormones in growth and development

Week 6: The Skin

  • Structure and function of human skin
  • Functions of the skin (protection, temperature regulation, excretion)
  • Disorders of the skin

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: The Brain

  • Structure and regions of the brain
  • Functions of different parts of the brain
  • Role of the brain in coordinating body activities
  • Organisation of the nervous system

Week 9: Organ of Smell

  • Structure and function of the olfactory system
  • Mechanism of smell detection
  • Importance of the sense of smell in daily life

Week 10&11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Week 13: Closing

SSS 2 BIOLOGY Recommended Textbook

  1. Essential Biology for Senior Secondary Schools – M. C. Michael
  1. Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools – S. T. Ramalingam
  2. Comprehensive Biology for Senior Secondary Schools – Dr. Nduka Okeke


SSS 2 Biology offers a detailed exploration of life processes and ecosystems. 

In the first term, you cover aquatic and forest habitats, along with digestion and circulation in animals. 

The second term brings you into the realm of respiration, nitrogen cycling, and ecological management, while the third term focuses on plant reproduction, homeostasis, and sensory organs. 

With the aid of recommended textbooks, each topic enhances your understanding of biological systems and their functions.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us.

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