JSS 3 CRS Scheme of Work | 1st & 2nd   Term

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JSS 3 C.R.S Scheme of Work | 1st & 2nd Term.

The JSS 3 C.R.S Scheme of Work introduces students to the promise and coming of the Holy Spirit, the early church’s growth, and the missionary journeys of Paul. It covers significant biblical events that showcase the power of faith and the role of Christians in spreading the gospel. 

The curriculum focuses on practical lessons, such as resolving conflicts, understanding the importance of cooperation, and responding to God’s call. 

The structured approach ensures that students gain in-depth knowledge of the early Christian church while encouraging them to apply these teachings to their personal lives.

JSS 3 CRS  Scheme of Work for First Term

Week 1: The Promise of the Holy Spirit  

  • Jesus promises the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:3-5)  
  • Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven (Acts 1:9-11)

Week 2: The Coming of the Holy Spirit  

  • Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4)  
  • Peter’s speech on Pentecost (Acts 2:14-39)

Week 3: Effects of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples  

  • Boldness of the apostles after receiving the Holy Spirit  
  • Peter and John’s arrest for preaching (Acts 4:1-22)

Week 4: Fruits of the Holy Spirit  

  • Love, joy, peace, patience, and other fruits (Galatians 5:22-23)  
  • Importance of these fruits in Christian life

Week 5: The Early Church in Jerusalem  

  • Fellowship and community among early Christians (Acts 2:43-47)  
  • The story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)

Week 6: The Appointment of Seven Deacons  

  • Selection of deacons for church administration (Acts 6:1-6)  
  • Stephen’s ministry and opposition (Acts 6:8-15)

Week 7: The Church in Samaria  

  • Philip’s ministry in Samaria (Acts 8:4-8)  
  • The story of Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25)

Week 8: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch  

  • Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian official (Acts 8:26-40)  
  • Importance of baptism in the early church

Week 9: The Conversion of Saul (Paul)  

  • Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9)  
  • Saul’s baptism and beginning of ministry (Acts 9:10-22)

Week 10: Revision

Week 11: Examination 

Week 12: Marking and Recording

Week 13: Closing. 

JSS 3 CRS  Scheme of Work for Second Term

Week 1: Paul’s First Missionary Journey  

  • Paul and Barnabas sent from Antioch (Acts 13:1-3)  
  • Paul’s ministry in Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12)

Week 2: Conflicts in the Early Church  

  • Dispute over circumcision (Acts 15:1-2)  
  • The Jerusalem Council resolves the issue (Acts 15:6-29)

Week 3: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey  

  • Paul and Silas at Philippi (Acts 16:11-34)  
  • Paul’s sermon in Athens (Acts 17:16-34)

Week 4: Paul’s Ministry in Corinth  

  • Paul’s encounter with Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:1-4)  
  • Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles (Acts 18:5-11)

Week 5: Paul and Barnabas’ Disagreement  

  • Conflict over John Mark (Acts 15:36-41)  
  • How they reconciled and continued spreading the gospel

Week 6: Paul Before Civil Authorities  

  • Paul before Governor Felix (Acts 24:10-23)  
  • Paul’s defense before Governor Festus (Acts 25:6-12)

Week 7: Paul’s Defense Before King Agrippa  

  • Paul’s testimony before King Agrippa (Acts 26:1-32)  
  • King Agrippa’s reaction to Paul’s speech

Week 8: Christian Response to Conflict  

  • Biblical principles for resolving disputes  
  • Forgiveness and reconciliation in the church

Week 9: Growth of the Early Church  

  • Missionary work and evangelism in the early church  
  • Importance of cooperation among Christians    

Week 10: Revision

Week 11: Examinations, Marking and Recording 

Week 12: Closing. 

Overview of JSS 3 CRS  Scheme of Work 

This JSS 3 C.R.S Scheme of Work guides you through the early days of the Christian church, from the ascension of Jesus to the missionary journeys of Paul. Learn how the Holy Spirit transformed the disciples, the challenges faced by early Christians, and the spread of Christianity beyond Jerusalem. 

Each term deepens your knowledge of Christian teachings while also encouraging real-life applications of biblical principles.

Engage with key biblical figures, study the growth of the church, and reflect on the lessons that these stories offer for Christians today.

Recommended Textbooks for JSS 3 CRS  . 


  • New Testament Studies for Junior Secondary Schools” by University Press

This textbook is ideal for JSS 3 students, providing comprehensive coverage of the New Testament, focusing on the early church and the missionary journeys of Paul.

  • Christian Religious Knowledge for Junior Secondary Schools” by Macmillan

This book simplifies key biblical stories and concepts, offering engaging exercises and discussions for better understanding.

  • Exploring the Acts of the Apostles” by Longman

A detailed guide to the Acts of the Apostles, covering all major events and themes relevant to JSS 3 C.R.S studies.


The JSS 3 CRS Scheme of Work explores the early Christian church, covering key events and themes from Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit to Paul’s missionary journeys.

The First Term delves into the Ascension, Pentecost, effects of the Holy Spirit, fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the Early Church in Jerusalem and Samaria. 

The Second Term examines Paul’s missionary journeys, conflicts in the Early Church, Paul’s ministry in Corinth, and Christian responses to conflict. 

In this curriculum, you gain a profound understanding of Christian teachings, analyzing challenges faced by early Christians, the spread of Christianity, and applying biblical principles to real-life situations, aided by recommended textbooks including “New Testament Studies” and “Christian Religious Knowledge” you are empowered for success in this programme. 

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us

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