JSS 1 French Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Term

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JSS 1 French   scheme of work for first, second, and third term.

The JSS 1 French Scheme of Work for the first, second, and third terms provides a comprehensive and structured approach to introducing young learners to the French language and Francophone culture. 

This carefully designed curriculum aims to build a strong foundation in French, focusing on essential vocabulary, basic grammar structures, and fundamental communication skills. 

This French language programme offers a structured and engaging learning experience, progressively developing your language skills across listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 

Relevant and everyday topics, such as introductions, numbers, colors, family, and school life, serve as the foundation. 

Through a blend of interactive activities, cultural exploration, and authentic language use, the programme fosters a love for French, builds your communication skills, and prepares you for advanced language studies.

JSS 1 French  Scheme of Work for First Term

Week 1: L’introduction et la salutation

  • Saluer et prendreconge‘ comme: Bonjour, Bonsoir, Comment cava? Etc

Week 2: Demander et répondre en classe

  • Les expressions de la classecomme: Repetezapresmoi, levez-vous! Etc

Week 3: L’alphabetfrancais et les  sons (accents)

Week 4 : La presentation

  • Bonjour, Je m’appelle…,
  • Je suis Nigerian etc
  • La conjugaison du verbeAvoir et Être

Week 5: Le members de la famille et les liens familiaux, comme: le père, la mère, la soeuretc

Week 6: Déscrire des traits physiques

  • Presenter quelqu’un par example moimême, Mon ami, mon
  • pèreetc
  • Voici monsieur Tunde

Week 7: Les Joursdelasemaine et les mois de l’annèe

Week 8: Les vetements

  • Parler des vêtementscomme: la chemise, uneJupe, un pantalonetc

Week 9: Parler des caracteristiquespersonnelles

  • Comme: un bon garcon; ma soeuretc

Week 10: Les Nationalités , La Rèvision

Week 11: L’Examen 

Week 12: Marking and recording 

Week 13: La Vacance. 

JSS 1 French  Scheme of Work for Second Term

Week 1: La Salutation comme: Bonne, Joyeux Noël etc

  • La conjugaison du verbeÊtre et Avoir

Week 2: Les Nombrescardinaux 1-100

Week 3: Les NombresOrdinaux 1er-30e

Week 4: Les Objects de la classe masculine et faminin

Week 5: Les articles definis et indefinis

  • Comme: Le, la, les, l’/un,une, des

Week 6: La Date

Week 7: Parler du temps et les saisons

  • Les expressions du temp comme: aujourd’hui, hier, Demainetc

Week 8: L’heure

  • Quelleheureest-il?
  • Il est — – – 

Week 9: Parler des caractèristiquespersonnels

  • Comme: timide; gentile, honnête, bon etc    

Week 10: La Revision

Week 11: L’examen, marking and recording 

Week 12: La Vacance 

JSS 1 French   Scheme of Work for Third Term

Week 1: Les parties du corps humains

  • La tête, le nez, la bouche etc
  • Fouctions des parties du corps

Week 2: Utilisation des Adjectifs

  • Les adjectifsQualificatifcomme: beau, gentile, petit masculine et feminine

Week 3: Parler de cequel’on faire

  • poser des questions avec oùest…..?
  • Qu’est-cequetufais?

Week 4: Indiquer le chemin

Week 5: Parler les loisirs

Week 6: Parler des goûts et des preference de quelqu’un

Week 7: La conjugaison du verbes en première groupe

  • “ER” verbescomme: parler, manger, chanter etc

Week 8: Demander et Expliquercequ’un fait tous les Jours de la semaine

Week 9: Les adjectifsDemonstratifs

  • Ce, cette, cesetc

Week 10: Les Nationalités , La Rèvision

Week 11: L’Examen 

Week 12: Marking and recording 

Week 13: La Vacance.  

Overview of JSS 1 French  Scheme of Work 

The JSS 1 French Scheme of Work introduces you to foundational French, progressing through three terms. In the first term, you get to learn greetings, classroom expressions, the French alphabet, self-introduction, basic verbs (Avoir, Être), family members, physical traits.

The second term builds on this with further greetings, numbers (cardinal and ordinal), classroom objects, articles, expressing dates, time, weather, seasons, and more personal traits.

In the third term, focus shifts to body parts, adjectives, forming questions, giving directions, discussing hobbies, conjugating ER verbs, daily routines, and demonstrative adjectives, followed by final revisions, exams, and marking. 

This structure ensures gradual learning from basic vocabulary to conversational and grammatical competence in French.

Recommended Textbooks for JSS 1 French  . 


  • Méthode de Français: Débutants” by Hachette

This textbook is designed for beginner learners of French, focusing on basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills. This book provides exercises on greetings, classroom expressions, and simple dialogues, making it ideal for students starting French in JSS 1. 

  • First Year French for Junior Secondary Schools” by University Press

Tailored for JSS 1 students, this textbook introduces foundational French, such as the alphabet, numbers, and verb conjugations (Avoir, Être). It offers step-by-step lessons that cover self-introduction, family members, days of the week, and common expressions, with clear explanations and exercises to reinforce understanding.

  • Junior Secondary French Made Easy” by Macmillan

This book simplifies French for young learners, focusing on the essentials of French language acquisition. 

It uses engaging illustrations, dialogues, and exercises to teach topics like greetings, body parts, clothing, and daily routines. The text is designed to be student-friendly, helping learners grasp the language through fun and practical lessons..


The JSS 1 French Scheme of Work for the first term introduces you to foundational French topics such as greetings, classroom expressions, and the French alphabet. It also teaches you how to introduce yourself, conjugate basic verbs (Avoir, Être), talks about family members, and describes physical traits. 

As the terms progress, you are going to get lessons that cover days of the week, months, clothing, and personal characteristics. Ensure you review nationalities, participate in revision, take exams, and receive feedback before the vacation period. 

This structured approach provides a strong foundation in French language skills through gradual learning.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us

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