JSS 1 Computer Studies  Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Term

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JSS 1 Computer studies scheme of work for first, second, and third term. Embark on an exciting computer studies adventure!

The JSS 1 Scheme of Work is a comprehensive roadmap to mastering the fundamentals of computer studies, covering essential topics such as computer hardware and software, generation of computers, and even the stages in data processing. 

Through this structured curriculum, you develop a solid foundation in computer literacy, cultivate problem-solving skills, and unlock a world of technological possibilities. 

Get ready to explore, create, and innovate your way to a future-ready digital expertise!

JSS 1 Computer Studies  Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Term

JSS 1 Computer Studies Scheme of Work for First Term

Week 1: Historical Development of Computer  

  • Early counting devices  
  • Abacus and its uses  
  • Evolution of mechanical devices  

Week 2: Historical Development of Computer II  

  • Charles Babbage and the Analytical Engine  
  • Development of electronic computers  
  • Key figures in computer history  

Week 3: Technology of Different Information Ages  

  • The Stone Age  
  • The Electronic Age  
  • The Industrial Age  

Week 4: Electromechanical Counting Devices  

  • Definition of electromechanical devices  
  • Examples of electromechanical devices  
  • Transition to electronic devices  

Week 5: Generation of Computers  

  • First-generation computers  
  • Second-generation computers  
  • Third-generation computers  

Week 6: Basic Computer Concepts  

  • Definition of a computer  
  • Components of a computer system  
  • Hardware and software  

Week 7: Linking Up of Computer with Information Technology  

  • Definition of Information Technology (IT)  
  • Role of computers in IT  
  • Uses of IT in everyday life  

Week 8: Modern Machines/Modern Computers  

  • Characteristics of modern computers  
  • Types of modern computers  
  • Examples of modern computing devices  

Week 9: Linking Up Computer with ICT  

  • Definition of ICT  
  • Role of computers in ICT  
  • Impact of ICT on society

Week 10: Revision 

Week 11: Examination 

Week 12: Marking and recording 

Week 13: Closing. 

JSS 1 Computer Studies  Scheme of Work for Second Term

Week 1: Input and Output Devices  

  • Definition of input devices  
  • Types of input devices  
  • Functions of input devices  
  • Examples of input devices  

Week 2: Output Devices  

  • Definition of output devices  
  • Types of output devices  
  • Functions of output devices  
  • Examples of output devices  

Week 3: The System Unit  

  • Components of the system unit  
  • Functions of the system unit  
  • Types of system units  
  • System unit connections  

Week 4: Word Processing  

  • Definition of word processing  
  • Examples of word processing software  
  • Features of word processing software  
  • Basic word processing tasks  

Week 5: Word Processing (Continuation)  

  • Formatting text in word processing  
  • Inserting images and tables  
  • Saving and printing documents  
  • Editing and reviewing documents  

Week 6: Computer Ethics  

  • Definition of computer ethics  
  • Importance of computer ethics  
  • Ethical issues in computing  
  • Responsible computer usage  

Week 7: Computer Ethics II  

  • Privacy and security in computing  
  • Intellectual property rights  
  • Copyright laws  

Week 8: Information Technology  

  • Definition of information technology  
  • Components of information technology  
  • Importance of information technology  
  • Uses of information technology  

Week 9: Information Technology II  

  • Impact of technology on society  
  • Careers in information technology  
  • ICT and Society  
  • Role of ICT in communication  
  • Effects of ICT on education  
  • ICT in business  
  • Social media and its impact

Week 10: Revision 

Week 11: Examination, Marking and recording 

Week 12: Closing. 

JSS 1 Computer Studies  Scheme of Work for Third Term

Week 1: Word Processor  

  • Definition of word processor  
  • Features of word processor  
  • Examples of word processors

Week 2: Word Processor II  

  • Basic functions of a word processor  
  • Formatting text in a word processor  
  • Creating and saving documents  

Week 3: Terms Associated with the Internet  

  • Definition of the internet  
  • Common internet terms (e.g., URL, HTTP)  
  • Uses of the internet  

Week 4: Word Processor Continuation (Practical)  

  • Practical session on creating documents  
  • Text editing and formatting  
  • Saving and retrieving documents

Week 5: Word Processor Continuation (Practical)  

  • Creating tables and lists  
  • Inserting images and shapes  
  • Printing documents  

Week 6: Types of Computer I  

  • Definition of a computer  
  • Types of computers (Analog, Digital, Hybrid)  
  • Examples of each type  

Week 7: Types of Computer II  

  • Classification of computers by size (Micro, Mini, Mainframe, Supercomputer)  
  • Features of each computer type  
  • Uses of each type of computer  

Week 8: Uses and Applications of Computers  

  • Uses of computers in education  
  • Uses of computers in business  
  • Uses of computers in healthcare  

Week 9: Stages in Data Processing  

  • Definition of data processing  
  • Stages of data processing (Input, Process, Output)  
  • Examples of data processing methods  

Week 10: Revision 

Week 11: Examination 

Week 12: Marking and recording 

Week 13: Closing.

Overview of JSS 1 Computer Studies Scheme of Work 

Get ready to dive into the world of computer studies in JSS 1, where you’re going to explore the essentials of technology in a structured and engaging way. 

Over the first term, you are to familiarize yourself with the historical development of computers, learning the basics on how computers evolved. 

The second term builds on these skills, focusing on more advanced features and practical applications. 

In the third term, you are going to expand your knowledge to include internet terminology, different types of computers, their uses, and the stages of data processing. 

Each week is crafted to enhance your understanding and make the learning process both informative and enjoyable.

Recommended Textbooks for JSS 1 Computer Studies . 


  • Computer Studies for Junior Secondary Schools” by O.A. Oladipo

Description: This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to computer studies tailored for Junior Secondary School students. 

It covers fundamental concepts, including word processing, types of computers, and internet basics, with clear explanations and practical exercises. 

The book is designed to make learning interactive and accessible, ensuring you build a solid foundation in computer literacy.

  • Understanding Computer Basics: Junior Secondary School Edition” by S.A. Adebanjo

Description: Aimed specifically at JSS students, this textbook delves into essential computer skills, including text editing, file management, and the functions of various software applications. 

It includes step-by-step instructions and practical examples that guide you through real-world computer tasks, making it an excellent resource for both theoretical and practical learning.

  • Introduction to Computer Science for Junior Secondary Schools” by I.A. Akintoye

Description: This textbook offers a detailed introduction to computer science concepts suitable for JSS students. 

It covers topics such as types of computers, internet terminology, and data processing stages. 

With engaging content and illustrations, it helps you understand complex ideas in a simplified manner, ensuring a smooth transition into more advanced computer studies.


The JSS 1 Computer Studies Scheme of Work provides the structured approach for each term. 

It introduces, explores, and applies fundamental computer concepts across the first, second, and third terms. 

Here you get to  learn about word processing, discover its features, and practice document creation. 

Continue by delving deeper into advanced word processing functions, enhancing your skills through practical exercises. 

Expand your knowledge by examining internet terminology, identifying types of computers, and understanding computer ethics. 

Each term builds on previous knowledge, ensuring you  receive  up to date knowledge of the ever-evolving computer world. 

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