SSS 3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work | 1st & 2nd Term

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SSS 3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work | 1st & 2nd Term.

Have you ever wondered about the significant contributions that Muslim scholars and leaders have made to human civilization? SS3 Islamic Religious Studies offers you an in-depth look into Islamic teachings, moral values, and the monumental contributions of Muslim sages in various fields such as science, philosophy, medicine, and history. 

This scheme not only focuses on the religious and moral aspects of Islam but also highlights the intellectual advancements brought forth by Muslim scholars throughout history. You are to treat topics that range from personal hygiene in Islam to the philosophical works of great Islamic thinkers, as well as lessons from key historical events in Islamic history. 

This journey through the SS3 Islamic Religious Studies curriculum enriches your understanding of both the religion and its global impact.

SS3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for First Term

Week 1-2: Islamic Moral Education – Trust (Amanah) in Islam

  • Trust (Amanah): Learn about the importance of trust in Islam, its role in personal and communal relationships, and how it is regarded as a key moral value.

Week 3-4: Contribution of Muslim Sages to Civilization – Jabir ibn Hayyan and Abubakar Muhammad ibn Zakariya Ar-Razi

  • Jabir ibn Hayyan: Study the life and work of this renowned chemist, known as the “father of chemistry,” and his contributions to early scientific methods and chemical sciences.
  • Abubakar Muhammad ibn Zakariya Ar-Razi: Explore his contributions to philosophy and medicine, including his groundbreaking work on diseases and medical ethics.

Week 5: Contribution of Muslim Sages – Ibn Sina and Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al-Ghazali

  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Examine his contributions to medicine, especially his medical encyclopedia, The Canon of Medicine, which remained a reference for centuries.
  • Al-Ghazali: Study the works of Al-Ghazali, one of the greatest Islamic philosophers, and his efforts in bridging Islamic theology and philosophy.

Week 6: Contribution of Muslim Sages – Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldun

  • Ibn Rushd (Averroes): Learn about his philosophical works and how he influenced both Islamic and Western thought through his commentaries on Aristotle.
  • Ibn Khaldun: Explore his contributions to historiography and social sciences, particularly his work Muqaddimah, which laid the foundations for modern sociology and economics.

Week 7: Contribution of Muslim Sages – Uthman dan Fodio

  • Uthman dan Fodio: Study the life of this great Islamic scholar and his role in spreading Islam in Nigeria and West Africa, focusing on his teachings and reforms.

Week 8-9: Islamic Moral Education – Unity, Brotherhood, and Religious Tolerance

  • Unity and Brotherhood: Reflect on the importance of unity and brotherhood in Islam, fostering a sense of solidarity among Muslims.
  • Religious Tolerance: Understand Islam’s teachings on peaceful coexistence and tolerance toward other religions.
  • Enjoying Good and Forbidding Evil: Learn about the Islamic duty to promote righteousness and discourage evil practices in society.

Week 10: Islamic Moral Education – Prohibition of Bribery, Corruption, and Drug Abuse

  • Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption: Understand why Islam forbids bribery and corruption, emphasizing honesty and fairness in all dealings.
  • Prohibition of Drug Abuse and Intoxicants: Explore the harmful effects of intoxicants and drug abuse, and why they are prohibited in Islam.

Week 11: Islamic Moral Education – Personal Hygiene and Environmental Sanitation

  • Personal Hygiene: Learn about the importance of maintaining cleanliness, both personally and in the environment, as a core principle in Islam.
  • Environmental Sanitation: Study Islamic teachings on keeping the environment clean and healthy.

Week 12: Islamic Moral Education – Avoiding Arrogance, Extravagance, and Adultery

  • Arrogance and Extravagance: Reflect on the dangers of arrogance and wastefulness in Islam, and the virtues of humility and moderation.
  • Prohibition of Adultery: Study the Islamic stance on adultery and fornication, and the negative impacts of related activities such as pornography.

Week 13: Revision and Examination Preparation

SS3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Second Term

Week 1-2: The Farewell Pilgrimage of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

  • Meaning and Importance: Learn about the Farewell Pilgrimage, its significance in Islamic history, and key messages delivered by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during this pilgrimage.
  • Verses and Hadith: Study related verses from the Quran and hadith that emphasize the importance of the Farewell Pilgrimage and the final sermon.

Week 3-4: Battles Fought in Islam – Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq

  • Battle of Badr: Explore the historical significance of the Battle of Badr and its impact on early Islam.
  • Battle of Uhud and Khandaq: Study the lessons learned from these key battles, including themes of sacrifice, perseverance, and faith.

Week 5-6: Introduction to An-Nawawi’s Collections

  • An-Nawawi 34 and 35: Analyze key hadiths from An-Nawawi’s collections, focusing on their relevance to Islamic moral teachings and their practical applications in everyday life.

Week 7-8: Further Study of An-Nawawi’s Collections

  • An-Nawawi 38 and 41: Continue exploring more hadiths from An-Nawawi, emphasizing their guidance on character development, ethical behavior, and spirituality.

Week 9-10: Nikah – Marriage in Islam

  • Rights and Duties of Husbands and Wives: Study the Quranic verses and hadiths that define the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives in an Islamic marriage.
  • Status of Women and Polygamy: Explore the status of women in Islam and the rules governing polygamy, focusing on justice and equality in marital relationships.

Week 11: Hadith and Sunnah – Definitions and Differences

  • Differences and Similarities: Learn about the differences and similarities between Hadith (the sayings of the Prophet) and Sunnah (the practices of the Prophet), and their significance in Islamic jurisprudence.
  • Taharah – Purification in Islam
  • Importance of Taharah: Study the rituals of purification such as Istinja (cleaning after using the bathroom), Wudu (ablution), Tayammum (dry ablution), and Ghusl (full-body purification) and their significance in Islam.
  • Criteria for Authenticity of Hadith
  • Hassan, Sahih, and Da’if Hadiths: Understand the different classifications of hadith based on authenticity, and how scholars determine the reliability of each.

Week 12-13: Revision and Examination 

Overview of SS3 History Scheme of Work

The SS3 Islamic Religious Studies scheme of work provides you with a keen understanding of Islamic moral education and the history of Muslim scholars’ contributions to global civilization. 

The curriculum covers topics like trust, unity, brotherhood, and religious tolerance in Islam, while also addressing the dangers of corruption, bribery, and drug abuse.

In addition, explore the biographies and contributions of notable Islamic sages, such as Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, and Uthman dan Fodio.

The second term focuses on the Farewell Pilgrimage, the battles fought in Islam, the rights and duties within marriage (Nikah), and key teachings from An-Nawawi’s collections. 

This curriculum fosters both moral integrity and intellectual curiosity, preparing students for academic success and life beyond school.

Recommended Textbooks for SSS 3  Islamic Religious Studies 

  • Islamic Studies for Senior Secondary Schools

A comprehensive textbook that covers the essential topics in Islamic studies, including Islamic history, moral teachings, and contributions of Muslim scholars.

  • The Life of the Prophet Muhammad by Ibn Hisham

An authoritative biography of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), providing detailed insights into his life, teachings, and leadership.

  • Fiqh-us-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq

A popular reference on Islamic jurisprudence, covering topics such as purification (Taharah), marriage (Nikah), and more.

  • An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths

A must-read collection of forty significant hadiths compiled by Imam An-Nawawi, offering guidance on various aspects of life and worship in Islam.


Explore moral teachings and historical contributions of Muslim scholars through this SS3 Islamic Religious Studies scheme. 

Learn about trust, unity, and the prohibition of harmful behaviors like bribery and corruption. 

Highlight the intellectual achievements of renowned Muslim scholars, including Ibn Sina and Uthman dan Fodio, emphasizing their roles in science, philosophy, and the spread of Islam. 

Focus on key battles in Islamic history, the importance of marriage in Islam, and the practical applications of hadith and Sunnah in the second term. Develop a deeper understanding of Islamic teachings and their relevance in modern society through the study of these topics. 

Enhance your thoughts and spiritual growth by examining the intersections of Islamic values and contemporary issues.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalized support, kindly feel free to contact us

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