JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E)  Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Term

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JSS 1 P.H.E scheme of work for first, second, and third term. Unlock the ultimate guide to Junior Secondary School 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) curriculum!  

The Junior Secondary School 1 P.H.E Scheme of Work is a comprehensive guide to a fun-filled and fitness-packed academic year. 

Covering essential health concepts, life skills, and a balance of team sports and individual exercises, this plan is organized into easy-to-follow sections for each term.

It ensures a smooth, engaging learning journey that empowers you with the confidence, energy, and readiness to face new challenges. 

Find more information below to begin your academic journey.

Jss 1 physical and education scheme of work

JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) Scheme of Work for First Term

Week 1: Introduction to Physical and Health Education I  

  • Definition of Physical Education  
  • Importance of Physical Education  
  • Components of Physical Education  

Week 2: Introduction to Physical and Health Education II  

  • Definition of Health Education  
  • Importance of Health Education  
  • Relationship between Physical and Health Education  

Week 3: Physical Fitness and Body Conditioning Program I  

  • Definition of physical fitness  
  • Components of physical fitness  
  • Body conditioning exercises  
  • Importance of physical fitness  

Week 4: Physical Fitness and Body Conditioning Program II  

  • Exercises  
  • Flexibility and strength training  
  • Benefits of body conditioning  
  • Safety tips for body conditioning  

Week 5: Recreation, Leisure, and Dance Activities I (Meaning and Differences)  

  • Definition of recreation  
  • Definition of leisure  
  • Definition of dance activities  
  • Differences between recreation, leisure, and dance activities  

Week 6: Recreation, Leisure, and Dance Activities II (Benefits)  

  • Physical benefits of recreation and leisure  
  • Mental benefits of recreation and leisure  
  • Social benefits of recreation and leisure  
  • Benefits of dance activities  

Week 7: Athletics I (Fields and Tracks)  

  • Introduction to field events  
  • Introduction to track events  
  • Rules of field and track events  
  • Examples of field and track events  

Week 8: Execution of Basic Skills and Techniques in Discus and Shot Put  

  • Introduction to discus  
  • Techniques of throwing discus  
  • Introduction to shot put  
  • Techniques of throwing shot put  

Week 9: Athletics II  

  • Advanced techniques in track events  
  • Advanced techniques in field events  
  • Common mistakes in athletics  
  • Safety measures in athletics  

Week 10: Revision 

Week 11: Examination 

Week 12: Marking and recording 

Week 13: Closing. 

JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E)  Scheme of Work for Second Term

Week 1: Revision on Last Term’s Work  

  • Review of previous term’s topics  
  • Key concepts recap  
  • Addressing learning gaps  
  • Preparation for new topics  

Week 2: Importance of Food  

  • Definition of food  
  • Classes of food  
  • Functions of food  
  • Balanced diet  

Week 3: Athletics (Track and Field Events)  

  • Introduction to track events  
  • Types of field events  
  • Rules of track and field events  
  • Safety measures in athletics  

Week 4: Basic Skills and Techniques in Shot Put  

  • Introduction to shot put  
  • Equipment used in shot put  
  • Basic skills in shot put  
  • Safety measures in shot put  

Week 5: Execution of Skills and Techniques in Shot Put  

  • Proper stance and grip  
  • Techniques for throwing the shot put  
  • Rules for shot put execution  
  • Practice drills for shot put  

Week 6: Ball Games (Volleyball)  

  • Introduction to volleyball  
  • Rules of volleyball  
  • Basic skills in volleyball  
  • Safety measures in volleyball  

Week 7: Practical Performance of Volleyball I  

  • Serving techniques  
  • Passing techniques  
  • Setting techniques  
  • Blocking techniques  

Week 8: Practical Performance of Volleyball II  

  • Digging techniques  
  • Spiking techniques  
  • Rotation in volleyball  
  • Team practice drills  

Week 9: History of Soccer  

  • Origin of soccer  
  • Evolution of soccer rules  
  • Major soccer tournaments  
  • Famous soccer players  

Week 10: Practical Performance of Soccer  

  • Dribbling techniques  
  • Passing techniques  
  • Shooting techniques  
  • Team practice sessions   

Week 11: Revision Examination, Marking and recording 

Week 12: Closing. 

JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E)  Scheme of Work for Third Term

Week 1: Revision on Last Term’s Work  

  • Recap of key topics covered last term  
  • Class discussions on important points  
  • Questions and answers  

Week 2: Definition of Contact and Non-Contact Sports  

  • Definition of contact sports  
  • Definition of non-contact sports  
  • Key differences between the two  

Week 3: Examples of Non-Contact Sports  

  • Athletics  
  • Tennis  
  • Badminton  
  • Swimming  

Week 4: Benefits of Contact and Non-Contact Sports  

  • Physical benefits  
  • Mental health benefits  
  • Social benefits  

Week 5: Basic Skills in Contact and Non-Contact Sports  

  • Basic skills in football  
  • Basic skills in basketball  
  • Basic skills in tennis  
  • Basic skills in swimming  

Week 6: Safety Measures in Contact and Non-Contact Sports  

  • Safety gear and equipment  
  • Proper warm-up and cool-down exercises  
  • Injury prevention techniques 

Week 7: Pathogens, Diseases, and Their Prevention  

  • Definition of pathogens  
  • Common diseases caused by pathogens  
  • Preventive measures against diseases  

Week 8: Food, Nutrition, and Health  

  • Relationship between food and health  
  • Importance of a balanced diet  
  • Common health issues related to poor nutrition  

Week 9: Importance of Food Nutrients  

  • Types of nutrients  
  • Role of vitamins and minerals  
  • Importance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats  

Week 10: Functions of the Classes of Food  

  • Functions of carbohydrates  
  • Functions of proteins  
  • Functions of fats  
  • Functions of vitamins and minerals    

Week 11: Revision 

Week 12: Examination 

Week 13: Marking and recording, Closing.

Overview of JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) Scheme of Work 

The JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) scheme of work presents a well designed curriculum that delves into the realms of physical fitness and health. 

This outline embarks on an exploratory journey, introducing contact and non-contact sports, their characteristics, illustrations, and advantages. 

Here you are going to acquire fundamental skills in these sports while grasping vital safety protocols. Furthermore, the curriculum encompasses health-focused subjects, including pathogens, disease prevention, and nutrition, highlighting the significance of essential food nutrients and their roles in sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

Recommended Textbooks for JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) . 


  • Basic Physical and Health Education for Junior Secondary Schools (Book 1) by Ajala, J.A. 

This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to physical and health education, tailored specifically for JSS 1 students. 

It covers a wide range of topics including fitness, sports, personal hygiene, and health, with a focus on practical activities and exercises. 

The book includes clear illustrations, engaging exercises, and discussion points to help you better understand physical fitness and health concepts.

  • New Physical and Health Education for Junior Secondary Schools (Book 1) by Odunusi, E.

This book is designed to meet the requirements of the JSS 1 P.H.E curriculum, offering detailed lessons on sports, safety measures, disease prevention, and nutrition. 

With easy-to-follow content, illustrations, and review questions, it provides you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, making it a helpful resource for mastering P.H.E topics.

  • Comprehensive Physical and Health Education for Junior Secondary Schools (Book 1) by Eze, E. C.

This textbook delivers a well-rounded approach to P.H.E, emphasizing both physical fitness and health education. 

It includes topics on contact and non-contact sports, basic sports skills, and health-related concepts like nutrition and disease prevention. The book is designed with a student-centered approach, using activities, diagrams, and real-life examples to enhance understanding and engagement.


Set off on an exciting learning journey with the JSS 1 Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) Scheme of Work! 

This article guides you through a structured curriculum spanning three terms, where you review previous lessons, explore contact and non-contact sports, and develop essential skills and safety awareness. 

As you progress, you’re going to delve into crucial health topics, including pathogens, diseases, nutrition, and the vital functions of food nutrients, that empowers you to build your physical fitness and health awareness throughout the school year.

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